Vanessa Gross

Vanessa grew up in the dance studio, and while she tried many different genres, her favorites were ballet, jazz, and modern. She eventually went on to attend University of the Arts and received a BFA in Dance. She always enjoyed physical training, from working out in the gym to taking a variety of different group fitness classes. Wanting to get her foot in the door of working in fitness, she became a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

It wasn’t long after that Vanessa was asked to teach some barre classes because of her background in ballet. It was even less time after that when Vanessa fell in love with barre and she got her official barre certification in 2019 from Barre Above. Today, she has taught barre, HIIT, and sculpt classes at different studios around Philly. She loves how barre presents a different challenge to every body, and we all can walk away from class feeling accomplished and energized.

  • YOUR TEACHING STYLE: Alignment focused, empowering, encouraging

  • MUSIC/SONGS ON ROTATION IN YOUR CLASS: Upbeat contemporary pop

  • FAVORITE BARRE MOVE: Plies in second position


  • TWO THINGS STILL LEFT ON YOUR BUCKET LIST: Travel to Japan and own an A-frame house in the woods

  • IF YOU HAD ONE EXTRA HOUR OF FREE TIME A DAY, HOW WOULD YOU USE IT: I would play with my cats more!